
Diving into the Bible

Deepening Understanding, Deepening Faith

Hi and welcome to my blog!

Roxanne Wolfram

My name is Roxanne Wolfram and I am a busy mom and professional that has a hard time regularly reading the Bible. The purpose of this blog is to motivate myself and others to dive into God’s word, connect with one another, and get closer to the Lord.

About the Bible Study

There are many ways to read the Bible. I would like to get through the Bible in 1-2 years. I am following a format suggested by Ross Haselhorst that is a balance between the Old and New Testament and good for those reading through the Bible for the first time or 10th time. We will start with Luke, Acts, Genesis, Exodus, John, Deuteronomy and Romans. We will incorporate the Psalms and Proverbs throughout. After reading these books of the Bible, we will have a good grasp on what the Bible is about. We will finish the rest of the books after. Each week I will have a short talk or devotion about something we read, and each month something longer. I will provide questions each week related to the reading. I would love to hear from you as well. Please let me know how the Holy Spirit is working in your life. I will post a calendar each month so we can stay on track.

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Tips for Reading

  1. Pray before you start. This can be about anything, but in addition to your normal prayers you could add Luke 24:45. Jesus was talking to the disciples, “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scripture.” What a great prayer before reading the Bible. “Lord open my mind so that I can understand Scripture.”
  2. You can read other books about how to study the Bible. There are many. I am reading “Women of the Word” by Jen Wilken. Others that might be helpful, “How to study the Bible.” by Dwight Moody, “How to study your Bible” by Kay Arthur, David Arthur, Pete DeLacy, and many others.